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Ongoing Projects
1. "Development of silica/silicon AWG type photoconductors for optical communication and optical sensor systems"
- 우수기업연구소육성사업(PI), Photonics Planar Integration, 2022.04 ~ 2025.12
2. "Photomechanical Reconfigurable Programmable FPPGA Integration Technology"
- 미래도전국방기술 연구개발사업(PI), Defense Science Laboratory, 2021.11 ~ 2023.11
3. "Ultrasensitive, Ultrawideband, and Large-scale Silicon Photonic Matrix Imager for 4-D Ultrasound & Photoacoustic Imaging"
- 삼성 미래기술육성사업(co-PI), Samsung Electonics, 2021.12 ~ 2023.12
4. "Oh-chip photonic lsing machine combinational optimization problems"
- 삼성 미래기술육성사업(PI), Samsung Electonics, 2020.12 ~ 2024.07
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