Welcome to Intelligent Nanophotonics Laboratory
2022 CLEO Presentation, Man J. Her
2022 CLEO Presentation, Dong U. Kim
Intelligent Nanophotonics Laboratory is introduced to Arirang TV Lab_Tube program!
INL is introduced to Arirang TV!
2021 OFC Presentation, Dong U. Kim
2021 CLEO Presentation, Young J. Park
2021 CLEO Presentation, Do Y. Kim
Presentation of "Icing Machine (Computer using light)", Prof.Han @Photonics Conference 2020
Dongju Choi (Integrated Course) and Minki Lim (Master's Course) presented at IEEE NEMS 2023 (Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems)!
(Oral presentation in IEEE NEMS 2023)
- May 15-17, 2023-
Youngjae Park (Integrated Course) presented at CLEO 2023 (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics)!
(Oral presentation in CLEO 2023)
- May 8 to 12, 2023-
Prof. Sangyoon Han will be an invited speaker at ECOC 2022 (European Conference on Optical Communication)!
- 2022년 9월 21일-
New Members Joined!
Jaehyeon Kim joined our laboratory!!
- August 29, 2022 -
Prof. Sangyoon Han will be an invited speaker at OMN 2022 (International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics)!
Invited Speaker OMN 2022
-June 24, 2022-
Prof. Sangyoon Han gave a seminar at the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC)!
Seminar presentation in BSAC
-May 20, 2022-
Prof. Sangyoon Han, Dongwook Kim (PhD), and Manjae Heo (MS) presented at CLEO 2022 (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics)!
Invited talk & Oral presentation in CLEO 2022
- May 15 to 19, 2022-
New Members Joined!
Mingi Lim joined our laboratory!!
- February 28, 2022 -
An interview with our lab was published in the March issue of Donga Science. [DGIST Blog] [PDF] [Article]
- February 28, 2022 -
Students DoYoon Kim (Master's program), Myungseok Hong(Bachelor's program), and MinKi Lim (Bachelor's program) received their degrees!
- February 17, 2022 -
Prof.Han has been selected to give an invited talk at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2022, the world's largest optical conference! [Link]
(A&T Topical Review on 'Micro- and Nanomechanics in Photonic Integrated Circuits')
- November 30, 2021 -
Prof.Han gave a special career lecture at Daegu Science High School!
- November 29, 2021 -
INL has been selected for the Samsung Future Technology Development Project once again (selected for the second time following last year)!
PI: Professor Jaeseok Yoo (DGIST), Co-PI: Professor Sangyoon Han
"Build an ultra-high resolution ultrasonic camera that sees sound with light"
[전자신문] [뉴시스] [뉴스1] [아주경제] [한국대학신문] [뉴스웨이] [대구신문] [베리타스알파]
The research results of Dongwook Kim(Ph.D Course) and Myeongseok Hong(Master Courese) have been reported in the media!
"Shooting data over fiber in space"
[전자신문] [뉴시스] [아시아경제] [동아사이언스] [헤럴드경제] [파이낸셜뉴스]
- November 16, 2021 -
New Members Joined!
Dongju Choi joined our laboratory!!
- August 30, 2021 -
Prof.Han has been invited as a lecturer to ISOT (International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology).
- July 12, 2021 -
Seung-eon Lee has been selected as the "OnDream Future Industry Talent" Scholarship student by the Chung Mong-gu Foundation.
Chung Mong-koo Foundation has provided KRW 24.4 billion to 5,248 scholarship students since 2011.
-July 5, 2021-
Foundation Press Release
INL has successfully mass-produced an 'Optical Router' that is 100,000 times faster than commercial technology!
"Mass-producing 100,000x faster data processing, ultra-compact optical routers"
[전자신문] [경북매일] [국민일보] [아주경제] [대구신문] [디지털타임즈] [이웃집 과학자] [베리타스알파]
- June 21, 2021 -
A paper jointly researched with UC Berkeley, KAIST, and EPFL was selected as the cover paper of the "Journal of Optical Microsystems".
- June 2, 2021 -
A paper submitted by Dongwook Kim(Ph.D Course)to the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), the world's premier optical communications conference, was selected as a top 10% scored paper.
- 2021년 5월 27일-
A paper jointly researched with UC Berkeley, KAIST, and EPFL has been published in the Journal of Optical Microsystems!
Conference Paper Accepted
Two papers submitted to CLEO, the world's leading conference on optics, were accepted by Park Young-jae(Master Course) and Kim Do-yoon(Master Course).
New Members Joined!
- February 28, 2021 -
ManJae Her and MyungSeok Hong joined our laboratory!!
A paper with Prof.Han as first author was published in Nature Communications.
"Korean researchers "Succeeded in implementing a Brillouin laser with more than 100 times the existing performance""
[매일경제] [뉴스1] [전자신문] [인공지능신문] [메디컬투데이] [뉴스프리존] [뉴스핌] [헬로티]
In the second half of 2020, 'On-chip photonic Ising machine combinational optimization problems' was selected as a research topic in the ICT sector of the Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project.
"Samsung Electronics Selected to Support 'Samsung Future Technology Fostering Project' in the Second Half of 2020" [중앙일보] [Samsung Newsroom] [한국경제] [매일경제] [뉴시스]
"DGIST selected 2 projects for 'Samsung Future Technology Development Project' in the second half of 2020" [서울신문] [전자신문] [뉴시스] [헤럴드경제] [브레이크뉴스] [대학저널]